Grammar and Punctuation |
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

Advice vs. Advise Quiz 2

1. For each of the following, choose the correct sentence.

 A) Adele is always happy to offer advice if you ask her for it.
 B) Adele is always happy to offer advise if you ask her for it.


 A) The lawyer adviced him to plead guilty.
 B) The lawyer advised him to plead guilty.


 A) If you want to go on the senior trip, I would strongly advise you to start saving your money.
 B) If you want to go on the senior trip, I would strongly advice you to start saving your money.


 A) Our new members are impressed with the level of advise they received from the leadership group.
 B) Our new members are impressed with the level of advice they received from the leadership group.


 A) Sara always takes my advice to heart.
 B) Sara always takes my advise to heart.

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