Grammar and Punctuation |
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

More Confusing Words and Homonyms Quiz

1. For each of the following, choose the correct sentence.

 A) Many people don’t stop to consider how current events affect their every day lives.
 B) Many people don’t stop to consider how current events affect their everyday lives.
 C) Many people don’t stop to consider how current events affect their every-day lives.


 A) I hope the solar flair doesn’t affect our computer equipment.
 B) I hope the solar flare doesn’t affect our computer equipment.


 A) It’s amazing that hangars can be built large enough to accommodate today’s gigantic airplanes.
 B) It’s amazing that hangers can be built large enough to accommodate today’s gigantic airplanes.


 A) You should not medal in his business.
 B) You should not mettle in his business.
 C) You should not meddle in his business.


 A) Would you like to have a sneak peak at the restaurant before it opens?
 B) Would you like to have a sneak peek at the restaurant before it opens?
 C) Would you like to have a sneak pique at the restaurant before it opens?

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