Grammar and Punctuation |
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz

1. For each question, identify the correct subjects and verbs. The subjects are in bold and the verbs are underlined.

 A) He depends on her in times of need.
 B) He depends on her in times of need.
 C) He depends on her in times of need.
 D) He depends on her in times of need.


 A) Watch your step.
 B) (You) Watch your step.
 C) (You) Watch your step.
 D) Watch your step.


 A) The insurance agent gave her sound advice.
 B) The insurance agent gave her sound advice.
 C) The insurance agent gave her sound advice.
 D) The insurance agent gave her sound advice.


 A) On the table was her purse.
 B) On the table was her purse.
 C) On the table was her purse.
 D) On the table was her purse.


 A) In the newspaper an interesting article appeared.
 B) In the newspaper an interesting article appeared.
 C) In the newspaper an interesting article appeared.
 D) In the newspaper an interesting article appeared.

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